Portfolio: Tammy Earl’s Portfolio

Tammy Earl’s Portfolio
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This portfolio is a reflection of my learning through my EDDL coursework and beyond

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The struggle is real. Below is my small reflection on the course. I'm still processing what I will […] See MoreReflections

Instructional Design Reflections

I noticed this post sitting in my drafts when I was reminded to complete my assignment from Week […] See MoreInstructional Design Reflections

FLIF reflections on our facilitation week

FLIF Reflection As we got closer to our facilitation week and we started communicating more […] See MoreFLIF reflections on our facilitation week

Recent Comments

Hi Tammy, It seems like our U of As MOOCs are very similar as your evaluation is very similar to […] See More

It always comes back to relationships! As I have been reading everyone's posts I am really struck […] See More

That's exactly where I got the idea for the ball game! During Day Camps we used an actual ball. I […] See More