azimmer’s Profile

Active 2 years, 8 months ago
I live in Castlegar, BC. I grew up here and only moved away briefly for school. I adore the life style and beauty the Kootaney’s offer.
Where do you work?
I work in SD20, I teach Grade 4 currently. I have been a teacher for 10 years. I spent the first few years on the TTOC list, followed by working the odd jobs, followed by teaching K/1, then 2/3, and finally moving to intermediate.
I am a mother of two, a 12 and 7 year old. I enjoy being outdoors, hiking, biking, walking, and most of all running. I am taking my Masters of Education to further my understandings of teaching and am enjoying the learning.
In moving to teach in intermediate, working with technology has become more prevalent and I want to make sure I am using it correctly.


EDDL 5151: Man­ag­ing Your Tech­nol­ogy Class­room – Sum­mer 2021

EDDL 5151: Man­ag­ing Your Tech­nol­ogy Class­room – Sum­mer 2021

EDDL 5151: Managing Your Technology Classroom – Summer 2021 Participants will explore a variety of methodologies, tools and technologies to enhance teaching and learning in their specific educational context. They will engage in critical discourse about the use of information technology in a number of different educational settings, evaluate the resources available to them, and develop strategies to make the most effective use of those resources for themselves and their students.


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