Debra Jordan’s Profile

Active 1 year ago
Debra Jordan
I live in the sunny Shuswap in a tiny place called Sorrento
Where do you work?
I primarily work from home! as a full-time online instructor for Okanagan College in the Health Care Assistant Program. I teach the theory online three days a week. I also have a contract with TRU to teach clinicals for 2nd year BSN students doing their Mental Health Practicum. When not doing those two things, I have a side gig as a clinical counsellor for a not-for-profit organization that runs primary care in Kamloops, BC.
I am privileged and acknowledge that I live, work and play on the unceded territory of the Secwépemc nation. My husband and I live on 5 acres in the Notch Hill Valley of Sorrento. We have a cat named Pip, a dog named Otis and a horse named Cody. I am a wife, mother, sister and daughter as well as a registered Psychiatric Nurse and clinical counsellor.
I am interested in learning and teaching and expanding my skills in the online classroom.


EDDL 5141 ON2 – Online Teaching and Learning (Winter 2024 Harrison)

EDDL 5141 ON2 – Online Teaching and Learning (Winter 2024 Harrison)

EDDL 5141 ON2 – Online Teaching and Learning (Winter 2024 Harrison) This online, applied course is designed to provide educators with knowledge, skills and experience in implementing educational technology into a pedagogically sound learning environment. EDDL 5141 is designed to provide instructors with a basic introduction to the theory and practice of online teaching and learning and to develop the skills and strategies needed to facilitate courses in an online environment. Participants will reflect on their experiences as online learners to help develop their own philosophy of online teaching and learning. Using their philosophy, they will plan and conduct an online learning activity that they will facilitate for their fellow participants. Emphasis will be placed on student engagement and motivation, creating collaborative and interactive experiences and gaining practical experience. The course format will be an online seminar that models the development of learning communities. Participants will be directed to readings about current issues that they will discuss online and they will provide feedback to their fellow learners about their online facilitation experiences.


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