Over the next two weeks you will have time to complete Assignment 2A and B which will be described below.
Assignment 2 consists of two parts:
- 2A: Designing a lesson (you should provide this to your partner at the end of Week 8)
- 2B: Giving feedback on a classmate’s draft lesson plan (Provide feedback by the end of Week 9)
Assignment 2A: Draft Unit Plan (15%)
Use a design model to develop a plan or blueprint for a unit of instruction that you plan to deliver. The unit should incorporate technology or educational media. It may be designed for teaching face-to-face, at a distance, or in a blended format.
Your plan must include the completed blueprint form.
Your plan may include examples that show the design in more detail if you wish, but this is not required. (For instance, if you are designing a collaborative writing assignment to be done in response to a series of prompts, you could include a screenshot of one of the prompts in the app you will be using, or a short “practice” activity to demonstrate what the students will be doing.)
Your plan should include a link to the specific software/tech you intend to use, if you have selected it. If you have not selected it yet, it should include a description. Notice that in the provided example, a collaborative document was required; Google Docs was the suggestion, but no decision had been made yet.
Due: End of Week 8. Submit your assignment as Assignment 2A: Prototype You may also want to post this lesson to your blog to share with the rest of the class.
Note: When you submit your plan to your instructor, your instructor will pair you with another student so you can provide each other with feedback (Assignment 2B). You will receive feedback from your instructor on your plan after you submit both the unit plan and the feedback you received at the end of Week 8.
Assignment 2B: Peer Unit Plan Feedback (10%)
Give feedback on one of your classmate’s plans. When you give feedback, please consider:
- Does the anticipated outcome seem to be supported by the activity?
- Will the activity presented in the plan provide the student with multiple possibilities for engagement, representation, action and expression?
- Does the technology seem appropriate?
- Are there things about the prototype that you do not understand and that therefore need clarification?
- Any other feedback?
Your instructor will pair you with another student to provide and receive feedback. |
You will be expected to incorporate your classmate’s feedback in your Final Project. Make sure you also submit your assignment to your instructor as this will form part of your assessment.
Due: End of Week 9
Final Project
The Final Project consists of three parts. In Part A, you will complete and revise the unit plan you submitted as part of Assignment 2A considering the feedback you received from your peer. In Part B, you will add an assessment plan to your unit and write an analysis of your work (this is once you have complete the section on Assessment). Make sure that you incorporate the feedback from your peer and instructor (from Assignment 2B), reflect on the design process and complete this section of your final project. Part C of the final project is where you will need to provide a rationale for your design choices, based on your philosophy and learning environment evaluation.
For more detail and marking criteria see the “Final Project” file under the Assignments Overview section.
Discussion: Reflecting on the lesson development process
Once you have completed the assignment described above, reflect on your experience developing the lesson. The assignment instructions require you to do the planning in a great deal of detail, considering your underlying philosophy, evaluating the technology, and so on. As a working teacher or course designer or other learning professional with many classes or projects to plan and/or teach, it is not likely that you will do this much planning for every lesson. What aspects of this approach might you adopt? Are there pieces you think are unnecessary?
Please post this in the Discussion Week 9: Reflection on the design process.
Go to the class discussion forum to make your post.