Portfolio: Darren Mahaffy’s Portfolio

Darren Mahaffy's Portfolio
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A portfolio of work as part of the assignments and requirements for EDDL 5151 at Thompson Rivers University. This class is an elective on my path to obtaining a Masters in Education.

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With EDDL 5151 ending, this final blog post is a reflection on my learning gained over the last 12 […] See More3-2-1-GO!

Blog Post #4 - Pedagogy and MOOCs

The video shares some thoughts on how Distance Learning Pedagogy and MOOCs can be used to enhance […] See MoreBlog Post #4 - Pedagogy and MOOCs

Blog Post #3 - Annotated Bibliography

Anderson, T., & Dron, J. (2011). Three generations of distance education pedagogy. The I […] See MoreBlog Post #3 - Annotated Bibliography

Recent Comments

Hi Darren, Reading your posts is always enlightening, and this one is no exception. What […] See More

Hello Darren, Thank you for your insights into education at the post-secondary level. I find it […] See More

Hi Darren, It is interesting to see that we both work in Business Schools and I look forward to […] See More