Portfolio: Monika’s Portfolio

Monika’s Portfolio
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EDDL 5151| S2021

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Assignment 3: ePortfolio gallery tour

Graphics Page link Please review the screencast of this part of the gallery, and use the page […] See MoreAssignment 3: ePortfolio gallery tour

W12_Activity 2: Create Interactive Text

Johannes Gutenberg was born in the German city of Mainz, Rhine-Main area, […] See MoreW12_Activity 2: Create Interactive Text

W12_Activity 4: Create Interactive Video

Learning outcome: Identify Typographic terminology This Typographic terminology video will […] See MoreW12_Activity 4: Create Interactive Video

Recent Comments

hi Gena, thank you so much for your feedback, I'm so impressed with H5P, it's a really wonderful […] See More

hi Carson, Thank you for your suggestion, I think adding a hyperlink is a great idea! See More

Hi there Monika! I really enjoyed the concise approach you took with this activity. My one […] See More