hwinsnes’s Profile

Active 9 hours, 42 minutes ago
Red Deer, Alberta
Where do you work?
Red Deer Polytechnic
I have had many different roles in my career from the Navy, professional portrait photographer, teacher, inclusion coach, and now professor. Each role has helped me to grow as a person and taught me valuable lessons I carry with me today.
In this course, I am looking forward to building my online, technology, toolbox and creating a wealth of resources to use in my spring course. I am also always looking for new ways to teach in order to make the learning environment more enriching.
Social Media Accounts
Facebook, Instagram


EDDL 5131 ON2 – Designing Multimedia for Curriculum (Winter 2025 Webster)

EDDL 5131 ON2 – Designing Multimedia for Curriculum (Winter 2025 Webster)

EDDL 5131 ON2 – Designing Multimedia for Curriculum (Winter 2025 Webster) This course is designed to introduce educators, and thus their students, to computer and web-based multimedia tools such as text, video, audio and digital photographs and graphics. There will be an emphasis not only on how to use the tools, but also on sound pedagogical practice to promote teaching and learning. Students in this course will learn how to identify, select, plan for, create, and integrate multimedia into instruction and have their students do the same in activities such as reports, digital story-telling, and portfolios.

EDDL 5141 ON2 – Online Teaching and Learning (Winter 2024 Harrison)

EDDL 5141 ON2 – Online Teaching and Learning (Winter 2024 Harrison)

EDDL 5141 ON2 – Online Teaching and Learning (Winter 2024 Harrison) This online, applied course is designed to provide educators with knowledge, skills and experience in implementing educational technology into a pedagogically sound learning environment. EDDL 5141 is designed to provide instructors with a basic introduction to the theory and practice of online teaching and learning and to develop the skills and strategies needed to facilitate courses in an online environment. Participants will reflect on their experiences as online learners to help develop their own philosophy of online teaching and learning. Using their philosophy, they will plan and conduct an online learning activity that they will facilitate for their fellow participants. Emphasis will be placed on student engagement and motivation, creating collaborative and interactive experiences and gaining practical experience. The course format will be an online seminar that models the development of learning communities. Participants will be directed to readings about current issues that they will discuss online and they will provide feedback to their fellow learners about their online facilitation experiences.

EDDL 5111 ON3 – Introduction to Distributed Learning (Fall 2023 Cope Watson)

EDDL 5111 ON3 – Introduction to Distributed Learning (Fall 2023 Cope Watson)

EDDL 5111: Introduction to Distributed Learning (Fall 2023 Cope Watson) This course is designed to provide educators (Teacher Candidates, In-service Teachers, Faculty members and trainers) with an introduction to the skills required to teach in a distributed learning environment. Participants will explore the realm of distributed learning through: discussion about learning theory and pedagogy in online environments; consideration and application of techno-logical tools to enhance the learning environment; and examination and design of assessment strategies.




Documents and Discussion for obtaining help with the EDDL learning environment

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