Jackie Hope’s Profile

Active 4 years, 5 months ago
Jackie Hope
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Where do you work?
Manager, Academic Development
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
I have been working in education for over 15 years and have experience designing and facilitating training programs, courses, and seminars for industry, secondary/post-secondary institutions, government, language schools, First Nations communities, and non-profit organizations. My curriculum work spans a range of content areas, including communications, customer service, entrepreneurship, communities of practice, train-the-trainer programs, workplace safety & health, business management, feasibility planning, financial literacy education, health, and EAL/ESL I now manage Academic Development at MITT, in Winnipeg. Located in the Centre for Learning and Innovation, my team supports instructors in their teaching practice and also development/re-development of new/existing programs. With COVID-19, we had to pivot at lightening speed, first to various communication platforms, and then to an LMS (which we didn’t have at the time). It has been an exciting ride for sure – and now we are focused on transitioning the institution to blended-learning. I have learned so much through the past six months. I have a B. Comm (Hons) degree and M. Ed (Adult and Post-Secondary Education) – and now it’s time for something new! Though I have an M. Ed, online learning wasn’t a part of the program to a large (or even small) extent. I’m looking forward now to this course, as it will really help me support my institution’s transition to blended learning. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all.
I have been seeking a program like this for a while, but the search heated up with COVID-19 hit us in March. Suddenly, there was an urgent need to learn more. We are transitioning to a blended learning institution – I’m really excited to learn more about online/blended learning best practices to be able to support our instructors here at the College. When I’m not at work or at my computer working on this course, I’ll probably be out climbing rock somewhere – I love outdoor sports, including mountaineering, rock and ice climbing.
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EDDL 5101 ON3 – Educational Technology for Learning (Fall 2020 Webster)

EDDL 5101 ON3 – Educational Technology for Learning (Fall 2020 Webster)

EDDL 5101 ON3 – Educational Technology for Learning (Fall 2020 Webster) This online, applied course is designed to provide educators with knowledge, skills and experience in implementing educational technology into a pedagogically sound learning environment. Education Technology in the Curriculum is intended to be a general launching point for your own exploration and learning about information technology (IT). Because the world of IT is complex, and especially so in education, it is challenging to design a course of study that is right for all students. You, and every other student, bring with you a unique set of experiences and interests that enhance your learning and determine your individual learning needs.


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