Kira Carre’s Profile

Active 4 years, 3 months ago
Kira Carre
New Westminster
Where do you work?
Richmond, BC
I am a high school PE, Science, and Leadership teacher in the Richmond School District. I am also currently the Athletic Director at my school.


EDDL 5101 ON3 – Educational Technology for Learning (Fall 2020 Webster)

EDDL 5101 ON3 – Educational Technology for Learning (Fall 2020 Webster)

EDDL 5101 ON3 – Educational Technology for Learning (Fall 2020 Webster) This online, applied course is designed to provide educators with knowledge, skills and experience in implementing educational technology into a pedagogically sound learning environment. Education Technology in the Curriculum is intended to be a general launching point for your own exploration and learning about information technology (IT). Because the world of IT is complex, and especially so in education, it is challenging to design a course of study that is right for all students. You, and every other student, bring with you a unique set of experiences and interests that enhance your learning and determine your individual learning needs.


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