Week 12: Final Project – Fall 2023


You will have this final week to finish work on your final project. Part A should incorporate the feedback from your peer that you received at the end of Week 9.  For Part B, consider the lesson you developed for the first part of this project. Based on your readings and reflections in this section, develop an assessment that you could use to determine student learning from your lesson or unit plan.

The assessment itself should be ready to complete. The instructor should be able to complete the assessment, just as a student would.

Blog Post #6: Reflection on the course

This week brings our time together to a close. We’ve come a long way!

We began by thinking about the varieties of education, on a continuum from face-to-face to distance. Next, we explored the idea of congruence: the critical alignment of anticipated learning outcomes, activities, and assessment of learning. You wrote about your own teaching philosophy, thinking about how it incorporates not only your preferences and beliefs, but also your knowledge of teaching in your discipline.

We then turned our attention to technology, developing a tool that lets us efficiently and systematically evaluate options. The subsequent steps were putting it all together, first into a prototype and then a lesson for learners. Finally, we thought about assessment, especially authentic assessment, as the conclusive step in assuring congruence.

For your final blog post, spend some time reflecting on the process as you have experienced it.

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