Course Schedule – Winter 2025 Cope-Watson

The following schedule outlines the required posts and when course assignments are due. A link to a word document (that can be edited with dates is also included below).

Suggested Schedule

Suggested Schedule

Week Lesson/Module Posts/Discussions (Assessment #4 Ongoing) Other Assessments Date
1 Overview Introduction (Learning Activity 2 Discussion)

Learning Activity 3 – Your Vision of Online Teaching and Learning (ePortfolio Post)

Learning Activity 5 (Optional post)

Start Assessment 1


Sign-up for Assessment 2 (team facilitation)

2 The Role of the Online Instructor Learning Activity 6: Teaching Philosophy and Reflections on the Role of the Online teacher (Post)


Continue your course audit (for Assessment 1)


3 Learning Theories and the Online Environment Learning Activity 5 – Learning Theories Analysis (Discussion)


Learning Activity 6 – Online Teaching and Learning Context (Post)


Continue your course audit (for Assessment 1)
4 Instructional Design and the Online Environment Learning Activity 3 – Instructional Design Model Review (Post) Continue your course audit (for Assessment 1)
5 Integrated Course Design (Part 1) Learning Activity 2 – Situational Factors (Post)

Learning Activity 3 – Writing Learning Outcomes (Discussion)


Continue your course Audit (for Assessment 1)

Start on Assessment 3 (Course Design plan)

6 Integrated Course Design (Part 2) Learning Activity 3 – Draft Online Design Plan (Post) Continue your course Audit (for Assessment 1)


Assessment 3 (Course Design Plan Draft (post for feedback)


7 Foundations of Online Facilitation Learning Activity 2 – Five Stage Model (Post) Continue your course Audit (for Assessment 1)


Provide feedback to peers on Week 5, Learning Activity 3 (early in week)

Assessment 3 Due

8 Planning your Online Facilitation Facilitation planning

Learning Activity 1 – Sharing of Online Facilitation Plan (with instructor for feedback)

Assessment 2: Online Facilitation Plan will start in week 9 (depending on your group)
9 Building Online Community Activities determined by group Assessment 2: Online Facilitation Plan (due depending on group)
10 Engaging and Motivating Students Online Activities determined by group Assessment 2: Online Facilitation Plan (due depending on group)
11 Managing the Online Environment Activities determined by group Assessment 2: Online Facilitation Plan (due depending on group)
12 Final Course Reflections and Wrap-up Learning Activity 1: Lessons Learning (Post) Assessment 1: Course Audit due


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