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49 to 60 (of 126 total)
Marieke J’s Portfolio

Marieke J’s Portfolio

EDDL 5151 ePortfolio

Christina McKay’s Portfolio

Christina McKay’s Portfolio

I AM… mum to three teenagers urban gardener (the slugs are winning) cyclist, slow-but-determined swimmer podcast fan trained vinyasa yoga instructor passionate reader intrepid traveler […]

Martin Tshibwabwa’s Portfolio

Martin Tshibwabwa’s Portfolio


Tiernan’s EDDL Portfolio

Tiernan’s EDDL Portfolio

TRU EDDL Portfolio 2022

Corey Hermiston’s Portfolio

Corey Hermiston’s Portfolio

EDDL 5111- Hermiston Portfolio

azimmer’s Portfolio

I am Alison Zimmer.

Carson Cardinal

I am an avid writer and artist who also happens to enjoy hiking and reading as much as possible 🙂 “No tree can grow to Heaven unless it’s roots reach down to Hell” -Jung

Frances Maddalozzo’s Portfolio

Frances Maddalozzo’s Portfolio

EDDL 5111 ON3 Introducation to Distributed Learning (Fall 2021)

Jim MacLean’s Portfolio

I am a high school teacher currently working for the Vancouver School Board in one of their Alternative Education programs.

G. Hamilton’s Portfolio

G. Hamilton’s Portfolio

G. Hamilton’s Education Diploma in Distance Learning (EDDL) Portfolio

gkoenig’s Portfolio

gkoenig’s Portfolio

I am a middle teacher on Vancouver Island.

Jenn Scott’s Portfolio

Jenn Scott’s Portfolio
